Little Flock
Little Flock
Christian School
The Bible is the basis for all learning within the classroom. Through the year, the student should acquire a general knowledge of the book of Genesis and the Life of Christ, our Savior.
This will be accomplished through daily classroom Bible lessons and prayer. Every morning the students start their day with morning worship where the students can sing songs and praises along with fun body movements. Typically, each week, the student will receive a new selected Bible verse. It will be reviewed daily in class and the verse will be sent home for reinforcement and assistance in memorization.
The Abeka Language Development curriculum promotes good language skills, good listening skills, develops Christian character traits, and develops children's knowledge in a wide range of areas. At Little Flock, we use other resources to compliment the Abeka language development materials. We use books, songs, puppets, dress up clothes, and we have special visitors such as Ms. Cathy Children's Productions and the Fairfax Fire Department to help us better understand topics we are learning about.
Course Content
The Language Development Curriculum emphasizes the development of language skills and listening skills by exploring God's created world and our environments around us. Some of the topics included are colors, shapes, animals, transportation, seasons, countries, community helpers, health, safety, manners, opposites, and the five senses. Poems and finger plays are a fun addition to the curriculum. Not only do they help teach the material, but they also help with finger dexterity and increase interest in poetry and rhymes. We also provide a friendly classroom environment that encourages children to ask questions, to speak openly, and to pray in front of groups. We work on building their self-confidence and we help them understand that God gives each child a special gift and talent that may be different from their friends.
Reading and Phonics
Text: Abeka Curriculum
By learning to read, students will be able to understand the world in more detail. Students will be able to read signs, posters, advertisements, books, literature, and most importantly God's word. Learning and understanding the English Language will provide the students to appreciate other languages more and provide the students with a tongue for other languages.
Course Content
The student will be able to:
· recognize letters
· associate letters and sounds (basic blends)
· associate more complex letters and sounds
(advanced blends)
· read basic 3-4 letter words
· recognize and read various common sight
· read simple sentences in books/booklets
The student will receive instruction and review in these areas during the school day. He/she will have various seatwork papers that will be completed some as a class and (most) individually to reinforce these concepts. The student will be tested periodically on paper as well as orally. These will be used to help form the phonics-related grades on the report card.
Students will memorize and recite a few simple poems, which will help them gain knowledge of rhyme and imagery, as well as memorization skills and a sense of self-confidence. Copies will be sent home at the appropriate time for review and assistance.
The student will learn the correct form of manuscript writing for each letter of the alphabet, both uppercase and lowercase throughout the year. There will be frequent seatwork papers to help practice these skills. The student will also work on writing his/her own name. Emphasis is made on proper pencil grip and good posture. After the first few weeks of school, the students will be responsible for putting their name on the top of each seatwork paper that they complete. Printing will be acceptable until the student can complete his/her name in cursive.
Curriculum: Singapore Math
As our students learn basic mathematics skills, they will take this in to the real world to use in everyday situations. Students will learn to tell time, count money, add, figure out patterns, learn shapes, and subtraction. We use hands-on manipulatives so the students can easily touch and learn that there is value associated with an object.
Support Materials: tanagrams, counting bears, learning links, coins for counting, personal clocks, and rulers.
Course Content
The students will learn various math concepts such as:
· recognizing and counting with numbers 1-100
· skip counting by 5's and 10's to 100
· recognizing ABA and ABBA patterns
· identification of shapes and solids
· measurement, length, height, and width
· recognizing various coins and their value
· telling time by the hour and half hour
· addition and subtraction from 1-10
This will be accomplished through classroom instruction, and various seat work papers, manipulatives and learning games on a daily basis. Extra review at home, tends to be very beneficial to the student.
Social Studies
Text: Abeka Curriculum – Social Studies K5
As a Christian student growing up in this world, but not of this world, it is important for our children to learn about different roles in the family, community, school, as well as learn about children from all over the world. Students are encouraged to learn about other cultures and appreciate the differences that God has given individuals all over the world. We will study different countries other than America including: Italy, England, Peru, Mexico, China, Japan, Australia, Israel, and Kenya.
Other Materials: poster and picture discussions, stories, art activities
Text: Abeka Curriculum – God's World
In Science, we will be studying God's world. We will learn why this is His world, and our role in taking care of His world and being good stewards. Students will also learn about themselves through their senses and why they are special to God. We will study structure in this world and how God created everything for a reason including: food chains, the water cycle, and watching caterpillars turn in to beautiful butterflies. Students will learn to observe, categorize, collect data and hypothesize.
Course Content: water cycle, seasons, difference and importance of night and day, growing caterpillars and watching them morph into butterflies, the types of matter, and our five senses. The student will learn that God made the universe and all things in it. Throughout the year, we will be discussing the weather and the change of seasons. The student will learn about nature through plant and insect observation which may include items such as bean plants, butterflies and/or ladybugs. This subject is typically studied after the social studies unit is completed, later in the academic year.
Other Materials: Globe, thermometer, pictures, charts, and field trips throughout the year.
The students attend Specials once a week.
- Art
- Computer
- Foreign Language – Arabic, Korean or Spanish (twice a week)
- Music
- Physical Education
- Library - including librarian classroom visits